NEW RELEASE: No Strings Attached

No Strings AttachedI’m thrilled to announce the release of No Strings Attached! This is the first book in a new series that I’m extremely excited about. All books in the series will be set in and around a coffee shop in Sydney called The Pink Bean. The first one, No Strings Attached, revolves around Micky, a 44-year-old divorced mother of two teenagers who is looking for some drastic change in her life.

This book is all about having the courage to find your true self (and having some hot sex along the way, of course), even though it’s not always easy (the finding yourself part, not the hot sex part.) 😉

Early reviews have been very positive:

“Beyond 5 stars!”

“A brilliantly executed mid-life coming out story.”

“I was locked in from the first page to the last.”

“Fun yet thought provoking.”

“Sexy, funny and with an excellent sub-cast for future books in the series. Read it and smile!”

Here’s the blurb:

It’s never too late to find the right person… and yourself along the way.

Micky Ferro has lived her entire life according to other people’s expectations. She married a man, had two children, and became a dutiful stay-at-home mom in suburban Sydney. Until she realized, with a little help from her best friend, that her picture-perfect life wasn’t making her happy.

On the first anniversary of her divorce, Micky decides it’s time for the next step in her journey and gets a job at her neighborhood coffeeshop, The Pink Bean. Becoming a barista sparks a big change in Micky’s daily routine, but could loud-spoken American customer Robin do the same for her love life?

Don’t miss the first book in this heart-warming new series from the bestselling author of the French Kissing and High Rise series.

Available as ebook from
Amazon US
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Amazon DE

Available as paperback from
Amazon US
Amazon UK

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P.S. I announced the release in this short Facebook video earlier today:

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