New paperbacks (and a few other things)


We (and when I say ‘we’, in this instance I actually mean my wife who does SO MUCH behind-the-scenes work) figured out a way to speed up the paperback creation process and Seasons of Love is available in print already! You can get the paperback version only from Amazon from now, but other retailers like Barnes & Noble and The Book Depository should follow soon:

Meanwhile, the print version of Release the Stars has arrived as well. Links here:

And… after going ‘wide’ (it’s how it’s called now) for less than a week, we’ve decided to enrol Seasons of Love in KDP Select and make it available for Kindle Unlimited subscribers. Honestly, it was a no-brainer after the sales figures for Release the Stars came in earlier this week. That book has done so well for a humble lesbian romance and I’m under no illusion that it would have performed (anywhere near) the same without the push KDP Select provides. The extra visibility a book gets when enrolled in the program is priceless. I’m all about reaching as many readers as possible and, for now at least, being exclusive to Amazon seems to be the way to go. Here are the Amazon KU links:

Big thank-you to everyone who has already bought Seasons of Love! The book is doing well and the reviews are blowing my mind! (I don’t know how I’m going to follow up on this one either…) (Maybe with a huge dose of lesbian drama in French Kissing: Season Three…) 😉

Just one more tidbit before I sign off. I’m currently running a poll on what my next book should be after I finish my current work in progress (Far From The World We Know, almost done after LOADS of dilly-dallying!) and the one I’ve planned after that (a rom com called The Road To You). You can help me decide by voting below:



2 Responses

  1. Not going to lie, I want Season Three of French Kissing. But I have loved everything you have written so I would be okay with a stand alone next as well.

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