NEW RELEASE: Christmas Kisses: Five Merry Tales of Lesbian Lust

Christmas KissesWhen I wrote my story for Christmas Kisses I had just binge-watched Season 1 of Bosch (an Amazon police procedural based on Michael Connelly’s books), which had a pretty nice surprise for lesbian viewers in one of the last episodes, so (as things go) I decided to set my story in a police station on Christmas Day. The result is pretty hot as there are uniforms, women calling each other Ma’am and tight blouses open at the throat… 😉

As ever, I’m in excellent company in this mini-anthology, and my co-authors have delivered awesome saucy Christmas tales. So, according to the tagline my wife came up with: ‘Tis the season to be… frisky! Enjoy!

Here’s the blurb:
’Tis the season to be… frisky. The Ladylit Fab Five have come together once more for a sizzling seasonal mini-anthology. Decorating the tree or working the holiday shift, at a family party or avoiding the shopping crowds, the ladies in these stories find reason to get merry in any circumstance.

Caution: This title contains graphic language and christmassy lesbian sex and is suitable for adults only.

Table of Contents
The Girl in the Purple Shirt by Cheyenne Blue
Not Christmas Shopping by Lucy Felthouse
White Wings and Fairy Lights by Laila Blake
In December by Erzabet Bishop
Commanding Officer by Harper Bliss

And it’s available from
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