My goal for today was to bring my manuscript to 14.000 words, which I did… to the exact word. 😉
I’m now 2000 words ahead of schedule, which is doubly excellent because it means I can skip Monday morning’s session and go to the office all day to take care of all sorts of publishing tasks for Ladylit.
This morning’s session did not start well, however. I always use Google’s timer to count down my 30-minutes session but when I googled it before wanting to start… it was gone! It didn’t show up anywhere in the search results. I was very upset for a bit (and proceeded to annoy my wife for a good fifteen minutes) until I got over it, found another online timer, and got cracking. (Writers and their rituals. It’s sacred!)
I’ve also realized that describing this book as ‘chick lit’ may give the wrong impression. I don’t really know how to describe it accurately yet. It’s definitely a romance, with a bit of a fairy tale aspect to it, and it’s also a bit of a romp/comedy. (And the polar opposite of Once In A Lifetime, but more on that later…)
I’ve mostly been sticking to the plot. When I say ‘plot’ though, it’s really no more than one sentence per chapter, so there is a lot of leeway. But the story is definitely still following the direction I have planned for it (so far.)
So, all in all a good day today. I’m now going to shut down my writing computer until Tuesday, and start my weekend for real.
Obligatory screen shot of ‘my numbers’…