What’s up?

Just checking in, because I know it’s been too long. What have I been up to, you may wonder… Well, I’m glad you asked. 😉

At the moment, Ladylit HQ is abuzz with putting the final touches to Forbidden Fruit: stories of unwise lesbian desire, which will be released next Friday (5 September) at a very special launch price. I’ve been so excited about this stellar collection of stories for so long, I can’t wait for it to be published.

On the writing front, I’m currently knee-deep in the third draft of my (romantic and extremely emotional) novel At the Water’s Edge. We’ve set a release date for that around mid November, but much much more on this book later.

By the end of the week the first draft of a new novelette should be finished. It deals with exes who see each other again after a long time, a hotel room, a leather belt… you get the gist of it. 😉

Speaking of leather belts, the short story I wrote for the upcoming Ladylit mini-anthology called ‘Cougars’ (the title is still a work in progress but pretty much covers the load) prominently features one as well, so if that’s your thing, look out for the anthology somewhere in October.

After writing French Kissing: Season One and At the Water’s Edge (my first full-length novel), I really wanted to focus on some shorter work, so I’ll probably write some more novelettes and short stories before getting started on French Kissing: Season Two (which I plan to do in October.)

So, in short: I’m back, I’m writing, and lots of goodies will be ready for publication soon (and autumn will be hot hot hot.) 😉

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