Cover reveal Forbidden Fruit

I’m happy to announce that we have an equally pretty cover to go with that fabulous table of contents. Hats off to the wife, who made this one as well. Feel like munching on an apple now? 😉
Forbidden Fruit

In other news, today is my last day in the office. On Monday we’re flying off to Belgium for three weeks, where I will meet the newest addition to my family for the first time (and, to say it in my sister’s words, be my two nephews’ au pair when the day care centre closes for the summer.)

Earlier this morning, just in time before my ‘holiday’, I finished the first draft of the very first Harper Bliss full length novel. Getting through this first draft has not cost me any blood, quite a bit of sweat (because it’s so bloody hot in Hong Kong these days), and a whole lot of tears. It is, by very, very far, the most emotional story I’ve ever written, and I can’t wait to share it with you. (That being said, it will take quite some time before it’s ready for publication.)

Chances of me blogging while I’m away are fairly slim, but I wish all of you a great summer with lots of stimulating beach reads. 😉

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Cover of Our Secret Summer by Harper Bliss – A sapphic age-gap romance featuring a woman painting another woman by a lakeside at sunset

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