French Kissing Fantasy Casting: Stéphanie Mathis

Full credit to my wife, who fantasy-cast Cécile de France as Steph. It works out well in so many ways! Most importantly, she has that boyish charm and effortless, nonchalant elegance. I can just see her holding court at the bar at Les Pêches, possibly sneaking into Le Noir… Or, perhaps not entirely as planned, on her way to Dominique.

Admittedly, it would also be a bit of a disgrace to not fantasy-cast (is that a verb now?) anyone French in a serial called French Kissing set in Paris. Not that I have with Cécile de France, because she’s from Belgium. Ha! Okay, that didn’t make any sense. Although Cécile de France is from Belgium, she is super famous in France and might as well be French. (There is no work for her in Belgium, anyway.) (And her surname is ‘de France’.) Either way, no matter where she’s from, she would make an excellent Steph.

Cécile de FranceIf she thinks she can summon me… oh, what the hell. Taxi! Palais Bourbon, s’il vous plaît!

Cécile de FranceBack in the day, when Steph just started at Barbier & Cyr…

Cécile de FranceI know, I let her top me again…

This concludes the fantasy casting. Truth be told, apart from Steph, the names of these actresses appeared next to the names I gave my characters back when I was making my first notes months ago. All five of them have been in my head, doing all the things they do in French Kissing, for quite some time. For those of you who follow my blog, it may make for more interesting reading in Season Two! 😉

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