French Kissing Fantasy Casting: Dominique Laroche

Yes, I’m keeping Steph’s fantasy casting for last (but only because she seems to be the hardest to pin a face on.) So, let’s do Dominique first. As you can see, the character of rising political star Dominique Laroche is based on an almost-real politician: Birgitte Nyborg.

At Casa Bliss, during that week about a year ago when we binge-watched all three seasons of Borgen, all we talked about was Birgitte Nyborg (and Kasper and Katrine… do yourself a huge favour: watch Borgen!) I may even have chosen to insert a bit of politics in French Kissing just so that I could have a character inspired by Birgitte Nyborg (and, yes, sometimes I do wonder if I shouldn’t just write fan fiction). 😉

Sidse Babett KnudsenI’m conservative, but not that conservative…

Dominique LarocheOh god, what have I done? (And when can I do it again?)

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