NEW RELEASE: French Kissing: Episode Two

French Kissing: Episode TwoThrough nobody’s fault but my own (I screwed up the ISBN when sending it to the distributor), French Kissing: Episode Two appeared on Amazon a week later than I had promised, but at last, all is right in my (French Kissing-obsessed) universe again.

I won’t be giving too much information on the separate episodes as they are released to avoid spoilers. For the same reason, I won’t copy the full blurb, I will only say this:

In Episode Two of French Kissing some things are not what they seem, secrets come out and new players emerge, causing more trouble and drama for the ladies of Barbier & Cyr and their loved ones.

For the full blurb, go here >>

I’m about to wrap up the first draft of Episode Four, which is shaping up to be quite dramatic as well, but not as dramatic on all fronts as Episode Two is. 😉 Episode Three, which will be available from most retailers in two weeks’ time, will offer a bit more breathing room (but not that much.) 😉

At the end of this week, I’m going to Belgium for two weeks for a family visit and this will push back the release of Episode Four to mid April. And, of course, just to remind you, all episodes will be available as a boxed set in June. It may make for a good beach read if you prefer to binge on all six episodes at once.

Meanwhile, French Kissing: Episode Two is available from these retailers:
Direct from author
Amazon US
Amazon UK
Amazon CA
Amazon DE
All Romance

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