Things I Did This Week #14

– Spent four days in a house in Phuket with a bunch of gay men.
– Was very surprised by the fact that nothing untoward happened and I was in bed every day by midnight (no joke.)
– Made them watch Miranda (they loved it.)
– Added a good chunk of words to Summer’s End (and came to the logical conclusion that it won’t be released by mid December… sorry!)
– Went to see Catching Fire and was so impressed (especially by Jennifer Lawrence) (but the wife and I agreed she’s too young to openly have a celebrity crush on, so, yeah…)
– Started reading The Murder Wall by Mari Hannah (because it won the Polari first book prize) and saw a dream come true before my very eyes (because all I’ve ever wanted was for DCI Jane Tennison to be a lesbian.)
– Made good progress on edits for A Christmas to Remember (scheduled for release on 16 December.)
– Made some very, very, very (yes 3x very) exciting plans for Ladylit’s future (but more on that later once the paperwork is done.)
– Started packing because we’re moving house next week!
– Watched my wife get in touch with her uber-lesbian self while she assembled some Ikea furniture in our office (as for me, I couldn’t even put together a loo roll holder after staring at it for 10 minutes) (after which the missus simply clicked it together in one second.)
– Got my winter booties out (after the HK Observatory issued a cold weather warning because the temperature dipped below 20 degrees.)
– Came up with a writing challenge for the first six months (!) of 2014
– Debated if I should discuss said challenge on my blog (I will, but I want to finish Summer’s End first.)
– Made this list.

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