My Ten Day Challenge – Day 9

Although I didn’t reach my word count today, I will NOT be complaining. In fact, I’m sitting here in a rather perplexed state because of the fact that the little press my wife and I founded a little over a year ago has officially sold more than 25.000 books. On the first of very month I ‘do numbers’ and that’s the number that showed up. And all I want to do right now is distribute 25.000 kisses to every single one of you who bought one of our/my books. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! (And to think that one of the more common misconceptions in publishing is that F/F erotica doesn’t sell…)

Anyway, on to the business of today. I got up at 6.30 so I could start at 7 a.m. and I managed to write 1700 words before I had to leave the house. Ran some errands, read some submissions at Starbucks (I only drink their tea), had lunch with a friend (all caught up on the latest gossip), and arrived back home around 2 p.m. From the minute I set foot in my bedroom/office, I knew it wasn’t going to happen anymore today and I wasn’t going to reach my 2000 words goal.

Some kind people over at GoodReads have been trying to convince me that I’ve done more than enough, and I chose to believe them. 😉 This novella petite novel will also not be finished once it reaches the 30.000 words mark, so it will require a few additional writing days next week, anyway. On top of that, I really, really, really needed a break from it. I know I can come back to it with renewed energy next week, so I’m going to take the weekend, have a few tonight (celebrating the Ladylit milestone without its co-founder), go for a hike tomorrow and on Sunday I’m going to the Gay Day at Disneyland.

I may or may not check in tomorrow (Hong Kong hikes notoriously end with too much beer), and in case I don’t, I do want to say that I’ve enjoyed blogging every day a whole lot and I want to thank everyone who left a comment (here or on GoodReads) and everyone who sent me messages of encouragement. No matter what happens this weekend, Summer’s End is scheduled for release around Christmas, so I’ll keep you posted on that.

Meanwhile, have you watched Concussion? Last night, I watched it for the third time in one month’s time and I still enjoyed it every bit as much.

ConcussionHands up if you want a Laila Robbins/Robin Weigert spin off!

The numbers:
Day 1: 1000 words
Day 2: 3600 words
Day 3: 2400 words
Day 4: 0 words
Day 5: 6000 words
Day 6: 5000 words
Day 7: 4500 words
Day 8: 4300 words
Day 9: 1700 words
Total: 28.500 words

P.S. Good luck to all the brave people starting NaNoWriMo today!

2 Responses

  1. Thank you for a great blog for the last week. It has been fun watching you work and following you as you made your way through the writing process and the week.

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