My Ten Day Challenge – Day 3

I made it home in a rather messy state around 2 a.m. last night, but managed to awaken quite refreshed at 9 a.m. this morning. (My liver’s had a lot of training. It knows how to purge quickly and efficiently.) I started my first session at 10.30 a.m. after some strong coffee and two litres of water. To my surprise, my brain was not resisting too much, and I easily produced 1200 words by noon.

After going out to grab some lunch and re-watching a bit of The Fall (I can only watch it in the day time. If I watch it in the evening the nightmares come!), I sat back down at my computer around 2.30 p.m. and wrote another 1200 words. At four I had a Skype date with Mrs Bliss, and now I’m writing this blog post.

I would have been happy if I’d only managed 500 words today (so easily pleased, these days), so I consider 2400 a success. I have another dinner to go to tonight, though. And a drinks party before… But, meanwhile, the novella is going well.

Earlier on Skype, I told my wife that I think it’s going to be a rather dramatic and lesbian one (as if there are any others). Now that I’ve fully established the two main characters, one of them seems to have a pretty dark secret in her past. Let’s just say, it’s going to be fun to work through that… (Lesbian processing alert!) 😉

This novella is written in the same style as the High Rise series, meaning alternating third person points of views. It’s set on the tropical Thai island of Samui and the sunsets make for a lot of brooding but hot moments. The first few thousands words are always more of a search, but now that I’m past that and I know where it’s going to go (and how I’m going to get there) in my head, the fun begins.

Let me end this with a big thank you to all of you. Writing these daily blog posts has made me realise how incredibly lucky I am to be able to do this job (which, to me, is the best job in the world.) (And not even a job, really.) ♥

The numbers:
Day 1: 1000 words
Day 2: 3600 words
Day 3: 2400 words
Total: 7000 words

P.S. I’m a guest on Lisabet Sarai’s blog today, talking about I Still Remember and you can win a copy!

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Cover of Our Secret Summer by Harper Bliss – A sapphic age-gap romance featuring a woman painting another woman by a lakeside at sunset

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