New Release: Anything She Wants

Today is my birthday and being able to write this blog post is really all I wanted. I’m serious. Instead of sending me a message or congratulating me, you couldn’t do me a bigger favour than downloading Anything She Wants for FREE. Maybe tell your friends or your lesbian neighbour about it, but really, just downloading it is more than fine for me. I can guarantee you that it’s chockfull of lesbian hotness. Look!

Anything She Wants

In the office, on the set of a movie or on the bathroom floor, the ladies in this anthology don’t care where they get it on. Power play, first time encounters and office rivalry get the characters in these twelve stories so riled up, the only way to go is down and dirty. Tales of spanking, a wild all-female college party and a waitress with a strap-on grace the pages of Ladylit’s first multi-author lesbian erotica anthology.

Caution: Reading ‘Anything She Wants’ will make you wet!

Stories by Kay Jaybee, Laila Blake, Lucy Felthouse, Erzabet Bishop, Sarah Ellen, L.C. Spoering, Vanessa de Sade, Kelly Lawrence, Giselle Renarde, Alyssa Linn Palmer, Ariel Graham and Harper Bliss.

Here’s the introduction I wrote for it:

Where I grew up, bookstores didn’t sell lesbian erotica anthologies. It was only in my early twenties, on a trip to Paris, that I stumbled across my first one (Wet: True Lesbian Sex Stories edited by Nicole Foster) in a tiny LGBT bookshop. I haven’t stopped collecting them since. So many years ago, however, I had no idea that one day, I’d be editing my very own anthology. But… here it is.

‘Anything She Wants’ is literally all I want. It’s filled to the brim with hot lesbian tales by some of the best erotica authors out there. It makes me so proud and I’m certain it will be the first of many I edit for Ladylit.

I hope the stories in this book will thrill you as much as they have me. They will take you from the dry heat of the desert to the lush excess taking place in a university dorm room. From the intimacy of quiet living rooms to the loud surroundings of dance clubs. One story even features a Naughty Crochet class, while another results in ‘punk rock bookends’. As diverse as they are in location and characters, all twelve pieces are equally intriguing, enticing and, above all, sizzling hot.


And here are the download links (FREE until Sunday!):

Amazon US
Amazon UK
Amazon DE
Amazon CA
Amazon FR
Amazon ES
Amazon IT

Happy reading!

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