Wet and Wild Blog Hop

Wet and Wild Bloghop Well, we all know I like things wet and wild (except for rainy season, I hate rainy season!) I’ve written quite a few shower scenes (download Wetter for free if you want a taste) and lately, I can’t seem to stop penning sweaty gym related tales (a mini-anthology is in the works).

My favourite one, though, is Nat and Isabella’s first sexy scene in Undisclosed Desires (High Rise Novella Two). As luck would have it (no, not planned at all ;-p), I’m giving away three copies of High Rise (The Complete Collection).

The High Rise Series takes place during the dry season in Hong Kong, but not to worry, there is plenty of wet and wild action going on. For a chance to win, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post.

Important: include your e-mail address in your comment to be eligible to win the Wet and Wild Blog Hop grand prizes (a $100 Victoria’s Secret gift card and a digital basket with some awesome e-books) as well!

(Leave a comment on any blog participating in the hop to win)WetAndWildGrandPrizes

1 signed paperback and 2 e-books of High Rise (The Complete Collection)
(Leave a comment on this post to win)

High Rise (The Complete Collection)

Hop and comment away! (And thank you for organising, Skye!)

38 Responses

  1. Just downloaded Wetter. Can’t wait to read it. Thanks for the giveaway!


  2. Thanks for participating and having this giveaway! Great to find new-to-me writers and say hello to people. 🙂

    sheri[NO SPACE]savill[AT]gmail[DOT](com)

  3. i now the book are hot but did you do them trading cards wow i love to get them if you did

    desi the blonde at msn dot com

  4. Thanks for sharing the giveaway! Such awesome prizes! a wonderful start to the summer!

    andralynn7 AT gmail DOT com

  5. Thank you for the free read! Thank you for the awesome hop and giveaway! Its tons of fun!

  6. This is an amazing & fun hop! Thank you for being a part of it & your giveaway!

    JessieL62 at comcast dot net

  7. Thank you all for stopping by. A random number generator picked three lucky winners and all three should have received an e-mail from me. Thanks for hopping!


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