Only 10 days left to submit to ‘Anything She Wants’

Anything She Wants Dear lesbian erotica writers, you have 10 days left to submit your story to me. The call for Anything She Wants closes on May 1st, so if you get cracking now, you can still send me something! I’m waiting eagerly and impatiently. 😉

Hey, if you’re anything like me at all, you’ve waited until now because, well, there’s always time right? And procrastinating is just something that needs to be done. I get it. I am the queen of procrastination, but even I, procrastinator-par-excellence would get my butt in the chair ten days before the deadline and start writing.

I admire all the lovely authors who have sent me a story already. You deserve nothing but respect for not needing a looming deadline to get things done. All of you should have received a personal reply from me within 48 hours of submitting. (If you haven’t gotten a reply, I have not received your story! So, don’t hesitate to send it again.)

Let me quickly repeat what I’m looking for. Full details and submission guidelines can be found here. And for those of you who have e-mailed me expressing concern over anything keeping them from writing the story, there’s only one thing to it: just do it! (It really can be that easy.)

Ladylit Publishing wishes to celebrate its first anniversary with a sizzling collection of lesbian tales. We’re looking for F/F erotica of any subgenre (fiction only). It doesn’t matter how many characters end up in bed (or anywhere else) together, as long as they are all female. Make your setting original, and make sure there’s a little something more going on than just sex. Whether you’re writing about cougars, first-timers, tomboys or latebians, give us a fully-formed character. We’re open to all varieties of lesbian lust, as long as your story is well-crafted and hot.

Word Count: 2.000-3.500
Payment: $30 per story
Rights: First international electronic rights

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