The hottest women on my TV

The new 2013 TV season regularly leaves me drooling in front of the screen. So much hotness! Time for an update since I blogged about my Fall TV top 5. This one is a countdown.

5. Sonja Sohn
Sonja Sohn

Sadly, I have to start this hotness countdown with an In Memorian. Whoever’s ludicrous idea it was to fire Det. Baker from Body of Proof should surely get fired as well. Some shows you watch because they’re really good, others you watch for the hot women (ideally, you’d watch a show for both, but hey, you can’t always have it all) and I’m not ashamed to admit that Det. Baker was the only reason I watched Body of Proof. (I still watch it now because the wife has a TV crush on Dana Delaney. A long term relationship = give and take.) Bye Det. Baker, your gravelly voice, icy stare and tight pants suits will be missed.

4. Maggie Grace
Maggie Grace

All the women on Californication always look so glossy and good. Maggie Grace’s endless legs alone are reason enough for me to have booked a ticket to L.A. to go investigate what it is they put in the Californian water. (P.S. I do not realistically expect to return from my west coast trip with longer legs, although it would be a plus.)

3. Anna Silk
Anna Silk

The pout, the eyes and the bisexual succubus powers, oh Bo Dennis, where have you been all my life? If you’re not watching Lost Girl yet, I suggest you start now. It’s funny, entertaining and the lesbian couple actually has sex on this show. It’s a win-win-win situation.

2. Kristin Lehman
Kristin Lehman

This photo does not do justice to Det. Angie Flynn’s glorious smile, but the internet disappointed me and I couldn’t find a better one. Either way, whoever dresses Kristin Lehman on Motive should get twenty thousand costume Emmies and lesbian honorary rights for life. Seriously, despite knowing full well it wouldn’t look nearly as good on me, I want Det. Flynn’s wardrobe.

1. Robin Wright
Robin Wright

The wife and I are both in a puddle after every episode of House of Cards. Not only is it the best TV show I’ve seen in a while, but Robin Wright looks so incredibly stunning in it, it should come with a serious hotness warning. Between the hair, the neck, the tight blouses and the manipulative evilness of her character, we never really stood a chance.

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