Follow the Rainbow Book Reviews Blog Hop

Follow the rainbow This blog post is my participation in the Follow the Rainbow Book Reviews Blog Hop, just so you know. I’ll be blogging about what writing GLBTQ literature means to me and giving away a free copy of A Hotter State.

If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me when I would write something ‘straight’, I’d be quite a wealthy woman by now. My answer has always been: if I, as a lesbian, don’t write about GLBTQ characters, who will do it for me?

Things are different in the world of erotica, where same-sex erotica is just naturally part of everything. But earlier this year, when I released a general GLBTQ (non-erotic) novel (under a different name), a straight acquaintance told me that even though she liked my book, she would have loved it even more if it had been about straight people. I sent her to the nearest book store and told her to have a look around because I was certain that 99% of the books displayed would be about straight people.

I did, however, understand where her statement was coming from. You see, I’m the same. The times I finish a book and think to myself I would have enjoyed that so much more if the protagonist was a lesbian are countless. It’s only natural to want to see part of yourself reflected in the fiction you read (or watch). In fact, I think it’s extremely important to have as many GLBTQ characters out there as possible.

Let me give you a TV-related example. A few years ago, I, along with most other lesbians on this planet, was hooked on The L Word. I watched every episode multiple times and spent hours processing Bette and Tina’s break-up (oh, that carpenter) with fellow addicts. Never mind that half the time the show was so bad I wanted to smash my TV, never mind that they killed off the most beloved character (oops, hope I didn’t spoil that for you) in season three and that the last season didn’t make any sense. I still watch it, again and again. Not because I particularly enjoy torturing myself, but because the show is about lesbians. It’s as simple as that.

We live in a straight world, and hey, that’s fine, but just once in a while, I want to recognise an important part of myself in pop culture, be it books, TV or music. I scour the Amazon bestsellers list for new lesbian fiction regularly. I’ve seen every lesbian movie out there, bad or good (mainly bad though, but that’s a whole other blog post.)

It’s not a choice. It’s who I am. Creating a gay character instead of a straight one is my way of identifying and, hopefully, along the line, may mean something to someone who really needs it.

A Hotter StateSo, I’m very grateful to all the other authors participating in this blog hop for writing stories in which I can see myself. Do hop along and see what they have to say on this topic.

Oh, and speaking of GLBTQ fiction, leave a comment below and you can win a copy (any e-book format) of A Hotter State, which bundles three of my stories (caution: they’re hot).


11 Responses

  1. Thanks for participating in the blog hop. I’m finding a lot of new-to-me authors and it’s interesting to read what their writing and characters mean to them.

  2. Your post here really resonated with me, mostly because I don’t recognize myself in traditional romances, and I’m their target audience. 😉

    I also completely get watching a show that in many ways is cheesy and not well done simply because you connect with the characters in a way that is hard to explain. Been there too.

    Thank you for sharing with us here on the hop!
    akasarahmadison at gmail dot com

  3. I’ve had people ask me when I’d be writing straight fiction, too. Depending on my mood that day, my response has been anything from ‘I will if I’m ever inspired to’ to ‘fuck off’ – it’s one of the strangest questions to ask an author.

  4. Nice to meet you, you’re a new author for me and I can’t wait to read some of your stuff! And I’m with you, there are times when I read a book and think, man, if only the heroine was a guy…LOL. Anyways, thanks for participating!


  5. Thank you for stopping by! The winner has been chosen (randomly) and I will e-mail them soon (now). Harper.

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